User Managed Backup - Cold Backup

What is cold backup?

A cold database backup is a type of database backup that is performed while the database is offline. In other words, the database is not in use during the backup process. This type of backup is usually done by making a simple copy of the data and log files.

Backup : (backup is a copy of data)

Restore : (restore the backuped datas)

Recovery : (missing data - recover from archieve log)

Before take backup : archieve log enable (or) not enable

How to take coldbackup :
Step 1 : When we will take cold backup check the control file,data file, log file, and spfile
  • Show parameter control
      • (or)
  • Select name from v$controlfile;
cold backup
Step 2 :
  • select name from v$datafile;
      • (or)
  • select file_name from dba_data_files;
cold backup
Step 3 :
  • select name from v$logfile
cold backup
Step 4 :
  • select open_mode,log_mode from v$database;
cold backup
Step 5 :
  • show parameter spfile
cold backup
  • After completed above steps then down the database.(shut immediate)
cold backup
  • Then go to OS level
  • Make one directory (mkdir coldbkp)
  • Copy the datafile,logfile,control file and spfile into the coldbkp directory.
cold backup
cold backup
cold backup
cold backup

  • Cold backups (simple file backups) are the safest way to backup your databases.
  • But you have to take your databases offline during the whole file copy process.

(User Managed Backup - Hot Backup)