
Linux® is an open source operating system (OS). An operating system is the software that directly manages a system’s hardware and resources, like CPU, memory, and storage. The OS sits between applications and hardware and makes the connections between all of your software and the physical resources that do the work.

Let us the see the installation of linux OS

Step 1: Open virtual box and click on the New button

linux installation

Step 2: Name the machine on VirtualBox. For example, we have given ?TESDB ACADEMY?.
Choose the downloaded ISO file--> select linux software 7.9.

linux installation

Step 3: Assign the amount of RAM you want to give to your Oracle Virtual machine. The 4GB is recommended for a proper functioning of an Oracle server with GUI interface.

linux installation

Step 4: Use the slider and set it to least 60GB and then click on Create button to create a VM and click next.

linux installation

Step 5: Click finish.

linux installation

Step 6: Virtual machine is ready and Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager is Displayed. Click on Settings to configure the Virtual Machine.

linux installation

Step 7: Click on General and then Select advanced option. Change the shared clipboard option to ?Bidirectional?.

linux installation

Step 8: Next move to network, in Attached to choose ?Bridged Adapter? and click advanced change promiscuous mode to ?allow all?.

linux installation

Step 9: Next move to ?shared folders?, Click on the add folder icon.
After Clicking add folder icon, Select ?Other? to choose the path of the shared folder.
And then select ?Auto-Mount?, Click on the ?OK? button.

linux installation

Step 10: Click on start

linux installation

Step 11: The boot screen of this Oracle server will appear. From the keyboard, use the arrow keys and select the first option ?Install Oracle Linux 7.9?

linux installation

Step 12: Next set the language for your Oracle server operating system. By default it is English.
Click on the Continue button.

linux installation

Step 13: Select Data & Time option to set the default system time.

linux installation

Step 14: Select india location and click done.

linux installation

Step 15: Now select , Software Selection.

linux installation

Step 16: Select the Server with GUI and choose the below options

linux installation

linux installation

linux installation

Step 17: Click on the Installation Destination option to set the partition.

linux installation

Step 18: Choose ?I will configure partitioning? and click done

linux installation

Step 19: Change lvm to standard partition and click ?+? symbol add mount point

linux installation

Step 20: Add new mount point : Swap Desired capactiy: 4GB and click add mount point

linux installation

Step 21: Again click ?+? symbol add another mount point

linux installation

Step 22:
Add mount point : /
Desired capacity: alocate rem

linux installation

Step 23: Add mount point after click done

linux installation

Step 24: Click accept changes

linux installation

Step 25: Now click on the Network & Hostname option

linux installation

Step 26: Selection and simply use the toggle button turn ON for network configuration to get the internet connection.

linux installation

Step 27: All finesh and click begin installer

linux installation

Step 28: Once the root password setup is done.

linux installation

linux installation

Step 29: Go to the User creation and type the full name of the user you want to create on Oracle server plus username and password you want to assign to that.

linux installation

linux installation

Linux installation done !!