Oracle Upgrade - 12c to 19c

Check for the current version
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C
Close the database connection and create necessary directories for upgrade
  SQL> shut immediate

  [oracle@tesdb ~]$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1
	[root@tesdb ~]# cd /media/sf_oracle_softare/
	[root@tesdb 19c]# cp /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1
	[root@tesdb 19c]# cd /
	[root@tesdb /]# mkdir -p /u02/oradata
	[root@tesdb /]# chown -R oracle:oinstall /u02 /u01

UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C
  [oracle@tesdb ~]$ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1

UNZIP the package :
  [oracle@tesdb dbhome_1]$ unzip

UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 1 : Select set up software only then click next
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 2 : Select single instance database installation then click next
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 3 : Select enterprise edition then next
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 4 : No need to change anything then click next
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 5 : Change oper->oinstall then click next
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 6 : No need to change then click next
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 8 : Check prerequisite in step 7(automatic check)& view the summary in step 8 then click->install
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 10 : Then click close
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C


UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 1 : Select db name and specify the sysdba name and passwords then click next
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 2 : Check prerequisite then click next
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 3 : No need to change then click next
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 4 : No need to change anything then click next
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 5 : Click next
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 6 : Click next
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 7 : Click finish
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 8 : Start upgrade process
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

Step 9 : dbua completed successfully then click close
UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

  [oracle@tesdb dbhome_1]$ export ORACLE_SID=dev
  [oracle@tesdb dbhome_1]$ sqlplus /as sysdba
  SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jul 1 13:10:41 2022

  Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
  • SQL> startup

UPGRADE oracle 12C to 19C

(Oracle Upgrade - 12c to 19c)