Oracle 19c DBCA Non-Container DB


In this article we are going to create a oracle 19c database using the DBCA tool. In Oracle, typically you create a database when you install the software. However if you either skipped the database creation part during installation or if you want to create one more database on the same host, then there are two ways of doing this. Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) graphical tool. DBCA (database configuration assistant) is a utility provided by oracle to create and configure a database. We creating Non con container database.

Log in as the Oracle software owner.
Go to a command prompt.
Type dbca.

Step1:Create Database(Database Creation)

Step2:Select the Advanced option.(Creation Mode)

Click Next.

Step3: We will see output. Optional database templates are shown below:(Database Type)

General Purpose
Data Warehouse
Custom Database

Click Next.

Step4: A screen asks you to choose the database name. (Database Identification)

Fill in these fields:
Global Database Name:

Step5: Select Database Storage Option

Step6: Fast Recovery Option.

Step7:Network Configuration

Step8: Data Vault

Step9: Configuration Option

Step10:Management Option

Step11: Database User Credentials sys/sys

Step12: Database Creation Option

Step13: Summary

Step14:Progress Page

Step15:Database creation is completed

Step16:To check Bg process
	[oracle@tesdb ~]$ ps -ef|grep pmon 
oracle 7211 1 0 17:40 ? 00:00:00 ora_pmon_tesdb
oracle 7600 3425 0 17:41 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto pmon
Step17:Database Ready For Use
	[oracle@tesdb ~]$ export ORACLE_SID=tesdb
	[oracle@tesdb ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba

	SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Oct 20 17:41:35 2023
	Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
	Connected to:
	Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
	SQL> select name,dbid,open_mode,log_mode from v$database;

	NAME        DBID        OPEN_MODE         LOG_MODE
	--------- ----------  -----------------	 ------------
	TESDB   1904378609      READ WRITE        ARCHIVELOG