CONTROL STATEMENTSHere are some of the commonly used control statements in PL/SQL: IF Statement : The ‘IF’ statement is used for conditional execution of code. Syntax : IF condition THEN -- Code to execute if the condition is true ELSE -- Code to execute if the condition is false END IF;Example: declare a number := 50; b number := 25; begin if (a>b) then dbms_output.put_line('A is greater'); else dbms_output.put_line('B is greater'); end if; end; / A is greater PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.CASE Statement : The CASE statement is used for selecting one of several alternatives. Syntax : CASE WHEN condition1 THEN -- Code for condition1 WHEN condition2 THEN -- Code for condition2 -- ... ELSE -- Code to execute if none of the conditions are true END CASE;Example: declare state char(2):='&state'; begin case state when 'TN' then dbms_output.put_line('Welcome to'||'Tamil Nadu'); when 'MP' then dbms_output.put_line('Welcome to'||'Madhya Pradesh'); when 'KL' then dbms_output.put_line('Welcome to'||'Kerala'); else dbms_output.put_line('Contacts customer care'); end case; end; / Enter value for state: TN old 2: state char(2):='&state'; new 2: state char(2):='TN'; Welcome to Tamil Nadu PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.Nested if..elsif..end if cont… declare p_center varchar2(20):='¢er'; p_place varchar2(20):='&place'; P_name varchar2(20):='&name'; begin if p_center='TESDB' then if p_place='MOGAPAIR' then dbms_output.put_line('Welcome to TESDB Mogapair! ‘||P_name); elsif p_place='VELACHERY' then dbms_output.put_line('Welcome to TESDB Velachery! ‘||P_name); else dbms_output.put_line('Welcome to TESDB '||p_name||'!'); end if; else dbms_output.put_line('Sorry! '|| p_name||‘ Login Denied'); end if; end; / Enter value for center: TESDB old 2: p_center varchar2(20):='¢er'; new 2: p_center varchar2(20):='TESDB'; Enter value for place: VELACHERY old 3: p_place varchar2(20):='&place'; new 3: p_place varchar2(20):='VELACHERY'; Enter value for name: Sakthi old 4: P_name varchar2(20):='&name'; new 4: P_name varchar2(20):='Sakthi'; Welcome to TESDB Ambatture! Sakthi « Previous Next Topic » (PL/SQL - Looping Structures) |