Setting Default Schema

Setting the created schema as default schema so that all the objects created from now will be located in this schema
    Syntax : Set search_path to < schema name >;

View the default Schema :
    Show search_path; 

Changing the schema :
    postgres=# set search_path to s1;

    postgres=# show search_path;
    (1 row)

Now let us create multiple objects with same name in different schema :
To list out the schemas :
    postgres=# \dn;
    List of schemas
    Name  |  Owner   
    public | postgres
    (1 row)
    postgres=# show search_path;
    "$user", public
    (1 row)

Step to list out tables :
    postgres=# \dt;
    Did not find any relations.

Creating table and insert values :
    postgres=# create table vehicle(details varchar(50));
    postgres=# insert into vehicle values('this is a public car');
    INSERT 0 1
    postgres=# \dt;
            List of relations
    Schema |  Name   | Type  |  Owner   
    public | vehicle | table | postgres
    (1 row)
    postgres=# select * from vehicle;
    this is a public car
    (1 row)

(Moving table across schema)