Control Flow statements - Lab Exercise
Control Flow statements - Lab Exercise
Practice questions |
1) Write a program using all Decision making statement ?
2) Write a program using all Looping statement ?
3) Program to create a remote which contains 4 buttons display the o/p which is given below with a proper message
1.Increase the volume 2.Decrease the volume 3.Power ON 4.Power OFF
using scanner type ?
4) Write a program to find second largest number among 3 numbers of a,b and c using scanner type ?
5) Write a program to find vowel letters using scanner type ?
6) Write a program to print your name n-times where n is decided by user ?
7) Write a program to take the input from user and print the table ?
8) Write a program to print the number having starting and ending value within the range using do-while ?
9) Write a program to print the numbers 1 to 10 ?
10) Write a program to iterate from 1 to 10 but whenever the value 7 is count break the loop ?
11) Write a program to read starting and ending value & print the tables within the range ?
12) Write a program to check whether given is Xylem (or) NOT ?
13) Write a program to check whether given number is perfect (or) NOT ?
14) Write a program to find given number is prime (or) NOT ?
15) Write a program to find given number is prime (or) NOT in range ?
16) Write a program to find given number is prime (or) NOT in range ?
17) Write a program to find given number is palindrome (or) NOT ?
18) Write a program to find Armstrong number ?
19) Write a program to find Fibonacci series ?