1) Write a program using method overloading & method overriding with any example ?
2) Write a program using inheritance, abstraction and encapsulation with any example ?
3) Write a program using interface, inheritance, abstraction and encapsulation with any example ?
4) Write a program to create a class called "Person" with a name and age attribute.
Create two instances of "Person" class, set their attributes using constructor, and print their
name and age?
5) Write a program to create a class called "Dog" with a name and breed attribute.
Create two instances of the "Dog" class, set their attributes using the constructor and
modify the attributes using the setter methods and print the updated values ?
6) Write a program to create a class "Employee" with name, job title, and salary attributes and
methods to calculate and update salary ?
7) Write a program to create a class "Inventory" with collection of products and methods
to add and remove products, and to check for low Inventory ?
8) Write a program to create a class "Student" with name, grade, and courses attributes and
methods to add and remove courses ?