Role & profile - Lab Exercise

Role & profile - Lab Exercise
Practice questions
    1)create a user(without any role) with password oracle123  and the user should belong to  user_data tablespace
    2)create a user with password expiration limit in 2 days
    3)password should have one capital letter, number, special character
    4)password expiration, recreate password
    5)1.create 3 user including user scott, username=u1,u2

          ->create table emp1 on u1 from scott.emp and access the table scott.emp  to u1

          ->create table dept1 on u2 from scott.dept and access the table scott.dept to u2

          ->as dba grant insert,update,delete,select on scott.emp to u1 and u2

          ->now check the sys privs in u1 and u2

          ->delete a record from emp1

          ->commit it and recovery

          ->recover and drop table.