Oracle SQL Functions - Lab Exercise

Oracle SQL Functions - Lab Exercise
Practice questions
    1.print the sysdate in '24/07/2007' format;
    2.print the sysdate in '24-07-2010:23:00:00' format. Also make sure which ever date you access should show the time.
    eg. 'select sysdate from dual' should print with time.

    3.create table TESDB_TAB (tdate date);
    insert into TESDB_TAB values(sysdate);
    insert into TESDB_TAB values(sysdate);
    insert into TESDB_TAB values(sysdate);
    insert into TESDB_TAB values(sysdate);

    Explain why we get 0 records for "select * from TESDB_TAB where tdate=sysdate;"

    4. Print sysdate twice using one sql statment.
  5. SQL> create table students(COURSE_ID varchar2(20), COURSE_NAME varchar2(20), 
  TRAINING_TYPE varchar2(20), LOCATION varchar2(20), FEES number(10), DURATION int);

    select * from students;

    -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------
    c001		     sql_plsql		  online	       chennai			 10000	       20
    c002		     oracle_dba 	  online	       chennai			 30000	      180
    c003		     linux		  online	       chennai			  5000	       10
    c004		     rac		  online	       mumbai			 15000	       20
    c005		     dataguard		  online	       banglore 		  7000	       20
    c006		     golden_gate	  online	       bangalore		 15000	       90
    c007		     aws		  online	       chennai			 15000	       30
    c008		     postgresql_dba	  online	       chennai			 25000	       30
    c009		     oracle_developer	  online	       bangalore		 15000	       20
    c010		     sql		  classroom	       chennai			  5000	       20
    c011		     plsql		  classroom	       chennai			 10000	       30
    c012		     oracle_dba 	  classroom	       bangalore		 30000	      200
    c013		     linux		  classroom	       mumbai			  5000	       10
    c014		     rac		  classroom	       mumbai			 15000	       20
    c015		     dataguard		  classroom	       bangalore		  7000	       20
    c016		     goldengate 	  classroom	       bangalore		 15000	       20
    c017		     aws		  classroom	       chennai			 15000	       30
    c018		      postgresql_dba	  classroom	       chennai			 25000	       30
    c019		     oracle_developer	  classroom	       mumbai			 15000	       20

    19 rows selected.
    6.1. Which course has maximum fees.
    6.2. List out the courses that is taken in Chennai.
    6.3. List out the courses that is taken online training from Bangalore.
    6.4. What is the fees for online oracle dba training in chennai.
    6.5. List out the course name from c001 to c006
    6.6. Print the total fees that which is taken for all ONLINE training course.
    6.7. Print the Characters starting with 2 , 5 from training type.
  	     Eg. for ONLINE -> NLIN, for CLASSROOOM -> LASS
    6.8. Print the fees total with respect to location
      eg .
      CHENNAI 135000
      MUMBAI 55000
      BANGALORE 84000
      6.9. Print out the Location that has 2 'A's.
        eg. BANGALORE
      6.10. Print out the courses that starts with 'O'
    6.11. Print out the courses that has "_".
    6.12. Replace 'ONLINE' in TRAINING_TYPE as 'ONLION'
    6.13. Which course has second highest duration.
    6.14. What are the course names that has location ends with 'I'
    6.15. Print the courses for which fees is between 10000 and 20000
    6.16. Which course has maximum character and its count.
        eg. ORACLE_DEVELOPER 15
    6.17. Remove 'C' from COURSE_ID and find the highest number from it.
    6.18. Print the record that has C012 two times
    6.19. Find the Highest average of Classroom training Fees respective to location.
    6.20. Find the sum of salaray with respective to training_type and location.