Oracle SQL Joins - Lab Exercise

Oracle SQL Joins - Lab Exercise
Practice questions
    1.  List the total information of EMP table along with DNAME and Loc of all the emps Working 
    Under ‘ACCOUNTING’ & ‘RESEARCH’ in the asc Deptno ?
    2.  List the Empno, Ename, Sal, Dname of all the ‘MGRS’ and ‘ANALYST’ working in New York, Dallas 
    with an exp more than 7 years without receiving the Comm asc order of Loc ?
    3.  Display the Empno, Ename, Sal, Dname, Loc, Deptno, Job of all emps working at CJICAGO or working 
    for ACCOUNTING dept with Ann Sal>28000, but the Sal should not be=3000 or 2800 who doesn’t belongs 
    to the Mgr and whose no is having a digit ‘7’ or ‘8’ in 3rd position in the asc order of Deptno and 
    desc order of job ?
    4.  Display the total information of the emps along with Grades in the asc order ?
    5.  List all the Grade2 and Grade 3 emps ?
    6.  Display all Grade 4,5 Analyst and Mgr ?
    7.  List the Empno, Ename, Sal, Dname, Grade, Exp, and Annual Sal of emps working for Dept 10 or20 ?
    8.  List all the information of emp with Loc and the Grade of all the emps belong to the Grade range 
    from 2 to 4 working at the Dept those are not starting with char set ‘OP’ and not ending with ‘S’ with 
    the designation having a char ‘a’ any where joined in the year 1981 but not in the month of Mar or Sep 
    and Sal not end with ‘00’ in the asc order of Grades ?
    9.  List the details of the Depts along with Empno, Ename or without the emps ?
    10. List the Emps who are senior to their own MGRS ?
    11. List the Emps of Deptno 20 whose Jobs are same as Deptno10 ?
    12. Select name,job,sal from emp whose dept,dname is sales ?
    13. List out the names who hiredate on apr and belongs dallas(location) ?
    14. List out the sal  and comm by dept wise ?