Oracle SQL Languages - Lab Exercise

Oracle SQL Languages - Lab Exercise
Practice questions
    1.  create table prog, dob, doj, sex ,prof1, prof2, salary ?
    2.  create table soft (id int, name varchar(30),salary int);
    Add column: Address varchar
    Modify column : id / Sno
    3. create table emp :
    Column :  empno, name, doj, address, salary
    Add column : commission , bonus
    Update bonus: sal + 10% 
    4.  Retrieve the data who all are having salary < 5000 ?
    5.  commit  : first 10 rows
        After insert 5 rows
        Rollback the data ?
    6.  save the transaction using savepoint:
        10 rows savepoint a
        10 - 15 rows savepoint b
        15 – 20 rows savepoint c
        Then roll back the savepoint ?
    7.  Give the user permission : Grant
    And revoke the permission
    <<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Merge two table
        merge into mark a
        using mark2 b
        on (
        when matched then
        update set a.mark=b.mark
        when not matched then
        insert (id, mark) values (,b.mark)
    SQL> /