A database view is a searchable object in a database that is defined by a query. Though a view doesn’t store data, some refer to a views as “virtual tables”. A view can combine data from two or more table using joins, and also just contain a subset of information.

Advantages of views:
  1. It won't allow to storing the data into the object.
  2. It help us to hide some columns in tables.
  3. It allows us to simplify complex queries.
  4. It help limits data access to specific users.
  5. It provides extra security layer.
  6. Restrict the access of a original data in table.
Privilege :
create view privilege must for creating views:

	SQL> grant create view to public;
	Grant succeeded.

	conn / as sysdba

	SQL> create user demo identified by demo;
	User created.

	SQL> grant connect,resource,unlimited tablespace to demo;
	Grant succeeded.

	SQL> show user;
	USER is "SYS"

	SQL> conn scott/tiger

	SQL> grant select,update,delete,insert on scott.emp to demo;
	Grant succeeded.

Create View :
	create view sh as select * from emp where deptno=20;
	View created.

Complex View :
Data are not inserted in this view .because two tables joined in this view.
  create or replace view sh as select a.empno,a.ename,b.dname from scott.emp a,scott.dept b;
  View created.

To check the views created by user :
	select view_name,text,read_only from user_views;

	VIEW_NAME			TEXT                            	 		R
	----------	------------------------------------------------------------	-------------
	SH		select a.empno,a.ename,b.dname from scott.emp a,scott.dept b    	N
Read only view :
Cannot perform DML operation.
	create or replace view r1 as select * from emp where deptno=30
	with read only;
	View created.

	SQL> select view_name,text,read_only from user_views;

Force View :
	create or replace force view s1 as select * from raj;
	Warning: View created with compilation errors.

	SQL> create table raj(id int);
	Table created.

	insert into raj values(11);
	1 row created.

	SQL> insert into raj values(12);
	1 row created.


	SQL> select view_name,text,read_only from user_views;

Drop View :
	drop view sh;
	View dropped.


(SQL - Synonyms)