Shell Script Tasks

1. Create a folder like /home/oracle/sfile/
Write a shell script to check the file(excel_19112020.txt) exists. The checking should continue for every 2 secs with additional “.” suffixing the checking word.
eg. Like checking………..

If the file exists , then print “File received” ?
2. Write a shell script to monitor alertlog ?
3. Write a shell script to do log rotate , remove logs < sysdate-2 ?
4. Write a shell script to check the mount point limits. If exceeds 85% should send a mail to ?
5. Write a schell script to check how many oracle databases are running in the server ?
6. Write a shell script check the database state like NOMOUNT|MOUNT|OPEN for a given database, where database name is passed as first argument ?
7. Write a shell script to cleanup given schema( cleaning schema meas dropping all the objects from that schema) eg. ?
8. write a shell script to the below activity.This is also one type of cleaning activity.
Disable all the constraints
Truncate the tables
Enable all the constraint ?
9. Change the folder containing the files, If we run a script, should the files be converted to zip format ?
10. If we run the script, three older files should be destroyed, and a new one should be created ?
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