Real Time Training - Week-2(Day 6 - 10)

Day - 6(Exercise)
1. Create undo tablespace and assign it as default undo tablespace ?
2. Create new temp tablespace and assign default temp ?
3. Create table snao as select * from all_objects where rownum < 10 ?
4. Check how much extend,blocks,size table as occupied ?
5. Check the value for pct free,pct used and pct increase ?
6. Check value for maxtrans,initrans,initialextend,nextextend,min extend,max extend,status of logging ?
7. Increase the initrans value 32 and pct free to 40% ?
8. Show demo on row migration ?
9. Simulate snapshot too olderror ?
10. Simulate lock and deadlock ?
11. Execte sql which does sorting and find the temp usage ?
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