  • What is Kuberneties
  • Quick study of Docker Swarm
  • Container Vs POD
  • Deployment process
Running Kuberneties
  • Installing Kubectl
  • Installing minicube
  • Creating a Local Kubernetes cluster with minicube
Pods Creation
  • Creating a cluster
  • Defining Pod through declarative index
  • Running Multiple containers in single pond
Scaling Pods
  • Creating a cluster
  • Creating Replica sets
  • Operating Replica sets
Communication through Service
  • Creating a cluster
  • Creating services by exposing ports
  • Defining Multiple objects in the same YAML file
Deploying releases with Zero downtime
  • Creating a cluster
  • Deploying new releases
  • Updating deployments
  • Zero-downtime deployments
  • Rolling back failed deployments
  • Scaling Deployments
Traffic Maintenance
  • Enabling ingress controllers
  • Enabling Ingress controllers based on Paths and Domains
Using Configmaps
  • Passing configurations from files
  • Passing configuration from Key / Value laterals
  • Defining configmaps as YAML
Using Secrets
  • Exploring Builtin secrets
  • Creating and mounting Generic secrets
Using Namespaces
  • Exploring Virtual clusters
  • Exploring namespaces
  • Communicating between namespaces
  • Deleting namespaces
Cluster Security
  • Accessing Kuberneties through API
  • Authorizing requests
  • RBAC authorization
  • Replacing users with groups
Managing Resources
  • Container Memory and CPU resources
  • Measuring Memory and CPU resources
  • Defining Resource defaults and limitations with in a name space
  • Managing Resource quota

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Example of Embedding YouTube Video inside Bootstrap Modal

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