Java Introduction
  • History and Features
  • JDK, JRE and JVM architecture
  • Token, Identifiers, Keywords, Variables, Data types
Control Statements
  • if, if..else, Nested..if, ifElse..Ladder
  • switch case
  • while Loop, do while Loop and for Loop
Java Oops Concepts
  • Class and Object
  • Constructor
  • Static and Final Keyword
  • Polymorphism
  • Inheritance
  • Interface
  • Abstract class
  • Static,this and Super Keyword
  • Aggregation
  • Encapsulation
Java Inner Classes
  • What is Inner class
  • Anonymous Inner Class
  • Local Inner Class
  • Static Nested Class
  • Nested Interface
  • Immutable String
  • String comparision
  • String Concatination
  • SubString
  • Methods of String
  • String Buffer
  • String Builder
  • Creating Immutable Class
  • toString Method
  • String Tokenizer
Java Array
  • Example programs to workout
  • Sorting of an array
  • Fibanocci series
  • Palindrome
  • Factorial
  • String Reverse
  • Printing Pyramid Shape
  • Printing Rectangle shape
  • Recursive Functions
Exception Handling
  • Java Exceptions
  • Try-Catch Block
  • Multiple Catch Block
  • Nested Try block
  • Finally Block
  • Throw and Throws Keyword
  • Custom Exception
  • Final, Finally, Finalize
Java Multithreading
  • What is Multithreading
  • Lifecycle of Thread
  • Creating a Thread
  • Naming a Thread
  • Joining a thread
  • Thread Scheduler
  • Daemon Thread
  • Thread Priority
  • Thread in-built methods
  • Thread Pool
  • Thread Group
  • ShutdownHook
  • Synchronization Block
  • Static Synchronization
  • Deadlock in Java
  • Inter Thread Communication
  • Interrupting Thread
Java I/O
  • Java Inuput/Output
  • File Input Stream
  • File Output Stream
  • Buffered Inuput Stream
  • Buffered Output Stream
  • File Reader
  • File Writer
  • Object Input Stream
  • Object Output Stream
Java Serialization
  • About Serialization
  • Transient Keyword
  • Collection Framework
  • List Interface
  • ArrayList
  • Linked List
  • Set Interface
  • HashSet
  • LinkedHashSet
  • TreeSet
  • Queue and Priority Queue
  • Deque and Array Deque
  • Map Interface
  • HashMap
  • Working of Hashmap
  • LinkedHashMap
  • TreeMap
  • HashMap vs HashTable
  • EnnumSet
  • EnumMap
  • Collection Class
  • Sorting Collections
  • Comparable Interface
AWT, Swing
  • AWT
  • Swing
  • JDBC Introduction
  • JDBC Drivers
  • DB Connectivity Steps
  • Driver Manager
  • Connection
  • ResultSet
  • Statement
  • PreparedStatement
  • CallableStatement
  • Batch Proccessing
  • Servlet Introduction
  • Servlet API
  • Servlet Interface
  • Generic Servlet
  • HttpServlet
  • Servlet Lifecycle
  • How Servlet Works,
  • ServletRequest
  • Request Dispatcher
  • Send Redirect
  • Servlet Config
  • Servlet Context
  • Servlet Session Tracking
  • Session in Servlet
  • Cookies in Servlet
  • URL Rewriting
  • HttpSession Event Listener
  • Event and Listener
  • Http Session Event
  • Servlet Filter
  • Filter Config
  • Servlet CRUD Example
  • JSP Introdution
  • Scripting Elements
  • Implicit Objects
  • JSP Exceptions
  • Hibernate Introduction
  • Hibernate Architecture
  • Hibernate Example
  • Hibernate Dialects
  • Hibernate Cascade Types
  • Inheritance Mapping
  • One to One Mapping
  • One to Many Mapping
  • Many To One Mapping
  • Many to Many Mapping
  • Lazy Collection
  • Hibernate Collection Mapping
  • Named Query
  • Spring Introduction
  • Spring Modules
  • IOC Container
  • Dependency Injection
  • Constructor Injection
  • CI with collection
  • CI with collection2
  • CI with Map
  • CI with Map2
  • Setter Injection
  • SI with collection
  • SI with collection2
  • SI with Map
  • SI with Map2
  • Autowiring
  • SP AspectJ Annotaion
  • SP AspectJ XML
  • Spring JDBC Template
  • JDBC Template Example
  • Prepared Statement
  • ResultSetExtractor
  • Spring MVC Architecture
  • Spring MVC Example
  • Spring MVC with Hibernate
  • Project using Spring MVC with Hibernate

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Example of Embedding YouTube Video inside Bootstrap Modal

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