Real Time Training - Week-2(Day 6 - 10)

    Day - 6
    S.No Title
    1 Storage parameters
    2 Space parameters
    3 Undo
    4 temp
    5 Exercise (Questions)

    Day - 7
    S.No Title
    1 Roles and Profiles
    2 Partition
    3 Dbms Jobs and Scheduler
    4 Exercise (Questions)

    Day - 8
    S.No Title
    1 Fragmentation
    2 Automatic startup and shutdown
    3 Exercise (Questions)

    Day - 9
    S.No Title
    1 Introduction of Backup
    2 Cold backup and hot backup
    3 Umb cold Cloning
    4 Umb hot Cloning
    5 Exercise (Questions)

    Day - 10
    S.No Title
    1 Umb Recove
    2 Umb Recove
    3 Logfile
    4 Datafile
    5 Controlfile
    6 pfile
    7 Exercise (Questions)

Interview Questions
1. How will you find fragmentation? How will you rectify it ?
2. What is row chain and row migration? How will you find it and rectify it ?
3. Why we should analyze a table?How to check if the table/index is analyzed? What is the command to gather stats/analyze ?
4. What is difference between ?
  • spfile/pfile
  • pinned buffer/dirty buffer
  • latch /enqueue
  • btree/bitmap
5. When and how to rebuild index ?
6. What are the types of partitions ? Explain composite partitions ?
7. What is different between system/hash partition ?
8. what is partition PRUNING ?
9.How will you check the following ?
  • Table/index/view size
  • Free space in database/tablespace
  • Used space in database/tablespace
  • How many indexes present for a table ? check indexes columns and its position ? on what function the index is created ?
  • How many constraints are there in the table and on what columns ? What are the constraint types ?
10. What are the types of grants ? Difference between GRANT/ADMIN Option ?
11. What is password verification function ? Steps to implement it ?
12. Will discuss about profiles ? Try to learn Password Resources
13.What is snapshot too old error ?
14. What is different between lock and deadlock ?
15. What is logical and physical backup ? hot and cold backup ?
16. Explain the internals of hot backup in UMB ?
17. Explain the steps to take hot backup in UMB ?

( Week - 3 (Day 11 - 15) )

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Description about Fragmentationm

Oracle Installation

Description about Installation