  • What is cloud?
  • Major Players in cloud
  • Business Advanages of Cloud
  • Current landscape and Cloud Scope
AWS Concepts
  • AWS Architecture and Terminology
  • Compute and Networking Services
  • Storage and Content Delivery Services
  • Database Services
  • Analytics Services
  • App Services
  • Deployment Services
  • Management Services
  • Amazon IAM (Identity And Access Management)
  • IAM Essentials
  • IAM Best Practices For New Accounts
  • Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)
  • AWS S3 Essentials
  • S3 Permissions
  • S3 Bucket/Object Versioning And LifeCycle Policies
  • Website Hosting With S3
  • Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
  • EC2 Essentials
  • Understanding Reserved Instances
  • Building EC2 Instances
  • EBS Volumes And Snapshots
  • Understanding Public And Private IP Addresses in cloud
  • Cloud-init Userdata And Metadata
  • Security Groups
  • CloudWatch(Monitoring AWS instances)
  • EC2 Placement Groups
  • Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service)
  • Introduction to RDS
  • Subnet Groups in RDS
Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) And Networking
  • Introduction To VPC And AWS Networking
  • VPC Networking
  • VPC Security
  • Configuring A NAT Instance
  • DB Subnet Groups
  • VPC Peering
  • High Availability And Fault Tolerant Tools With EC2
  • Understanding Amazon Machine Images (AMI’s)
  • Understanding Scaling And ELB
  • AWS Direct Connect
  • Understanding AWS Direct Connect
  • Amazon Cloudfront
  • CloudFront Concepts
  • Route 53
  • Understanding Route53
  • Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service)
  • SNS Siginificance
  • Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service)
  • SQS Significance
  • Amazon EMR (Elastic Map Reduce)
  • EMR Concepts
  • Amazon CloudFormation
  • CloudFormation Concepts
  • Understanding Data Security in cloud
  • Security Architecture with AWS
  • Shared Security Responsibility Model And Attributes
  • AWS Platform Compliance And Security Services
Understanding critical disaster recovery techniques and their implementation
  • Best Practices For Securing A New AWS Account and in cloud
  • Understanding and Building The AMI
  • Autoscaling And Bootstrapping
  • Route 53 Routing Policies

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Example of Embedding YouTube Video inside Bootstrap Modal

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