SQL Server Database Administration

  • Database systems Overview
  • Relational Database Systems
  • Normalization
  • CODD Rules
  • ACID Properties
  • Database Design
SQL Server- Overview
  • What is SQL SERVER?
  • Usage of SQL Server
  • SQL Server Version
  • SQL Server Editions
  • SQL Server Instance
  • SQL Server Engine Architecture
  • Storage Engine: Buffer Manager, Lock Manager, File Manager, Transaction Services
  • Query Processor: Parser, Optimizer, SQL Manager, Database Manager, Query Executor
  • SQLOS API, Protocols, External Components,
  • Transaction Log Architecture
  • VLFs, checkpoint, LSN, Active – In active Logs
  • Database Architecture
  • Pages, Different Types of pages, Data Files, Log files
SQL Server Installation
  • Installation checklist
  • Step by step Installation & Configuration
  • System DB’s , User DB’s
  • Post Configuration (Memory Settings, Tempdb Settings, Port, DB configuration, Maintenance jobs
  • Automatic Installation
  • SQL Server Clients –SSMS, SQL CMD
  • SSMS Overview
  • SQL Server Configuration Manager
Database and Tables
  • Create Database, Schemas
  • Drop Database, Schemas
  • File Groups, File growth, File Shrink
  • Partition
  • Capacity planning
  • User Tables, system Tables, Temporary Tables
  • Constraints, Data Types, Different types of Keys
  • System objects
SQL Queries
  • Understanding of TSQL Language
  • Select, where, Order by , union
  • Different Types of joins
  • Operators: Logical, Compound, Comparison, Bitwise and Arithmetic
  • Tsql Query and Sub Queries
Views, Stored Procedures , Triggers, Cursors ( Respective to Core DBA activity)
  • Create, update and Drop View
  • Different Types Of view
  • Create user Stored Procedures, system SPs , Xps
  • When to compile and recompile – Effects of recompiling SP
  • What is Cursors and Triggers
  • How and when it could be used
  • Place Views, Cursors, Triggers, queries, sub-queries in Stored Procedure
Database Recovery Model & Database Isolation level
  • Different Types of Recovery Model
  • How choose Recovery Model
  • What is isolation level?
  • Different types of isolation level
  • How to choose isolation level
  • Impact of Isolation level
  • Authentication Modes
  • Fixed Server Roles, Database Roles
  • Grant and Revoke Permissions
  • Logins, Users, Credentials, Schemas
  • Orphan Users
  • Security Audit
  • LSN – Related to Backups
  • Different Types of Backups
  • Backup – Internals on how backup actually runs
  • Perform Backup using TSQL, SSMS
  • Compressed Backups
  • Schedule Backups using Jobs
  • Verifying Backups
  • Overview on external backups Tools
Restore and Recovery
  • Automatic Recovery
  • Recovery / No Recovery/Standby
  • Restore using Tsql , SSMS
  • Point in time Restore
  • Restoring System Databases
  • Restore Database, Restore Logs
SQL Server Jobs, Alert , Mail setup
  • Create SQL Server jobs
  • Automate tasks using SQL Server jobs
  • Common Automation tasks using SQL jobs
  • Setting and Notify using Alert
  • Setting and Configuring SQL Mail
  • Sending Automatic Mail , reports from SQL Server
Database migration /Upgrades
  • Backup & Restore
  • Detach & Attach
  • Export & Import
  • Compatibility level
Server Upgrade / Instance Upgrade
  • Pre-requisites for Upgrade
  • Upgrade Advisor
  • Different Types of Upgrade – In place & Side-by-Side
  • Service Pack Upgrades and Apply hot fixes
  • Checklist for Upgrade
  • Post check
Indexes and Statistics
  • What are indexes
  • B –Tree Structure
  • Clustered , Non-Clustered and Heap Index
  • Column Store Indexes
  • Index Internals –How index works
  • Fragmentation in indexes
  • Fill factor in indexes
  • How Index increases Performance
  • Page Split, Key Lookup, RID Lookup
  • What is Statistics
  • Update Statistics
Performance trouble shooting
  • Locks, Latches, Blocks, Dead locks
  • Memory and CPU Bottle Necks
  • Disk Latency
  • Different Wait types
  • Identify Long Running Queries
  • How to read Execution Plans
  • Different Operators in Execution Plans
  • Table Scan, Index Scan, Index Seek
  • Estimated Vs Actual Execution Plans
  • How identify Bad Execution Plan
  • DMVs to work on Performance Troubleshooting
  • Trouble Shooting Methodology
Tools for Performance Trouble shooting
  • Activity Monitor
  • SQL Server Profiler
  • Extended Events
SQL Server Optimization
  • Server Level Optimizations
  • Database Level Optimizations
  • Tempdb Optimization
  • Data Partition
  • Resource Governor
  • Query Optimization
  • Resource Optimization
  • OS level Optimization
  • Maintenance Plan (Rebuild, Reorg, update Stats, Check DB, Checkalloc)
  • Optimize for Unknown
  • Plan Caching and Recompilation
New features in SQL Server 2014 and 2016
  • Stretch Database
  • Query Store
  • In-Memory Tables
  • Buffer Pool Extension
  • Always On Enhancements
  • Updatable Coulmnstore Indexes
  • Backup Encryption
SQL Server Mirroring
  • Types of mirroring
  • How to configure Mirroring
  • How Mirroring Works
  • Mirroring Monitor
  • Trouble Shooting Mirroring Issues
SQL Server Always On
  • Always on Architecture
  • Prerequisites for Always on
  • Quorum in always on
  • Configuring Always on
  • Availability Replica and Readable Secondary Replica
  • Manual /Automatic Replica Role Change
  • Trouble Shoot Always on Issues
SQL Server Clustering
  • What is Clustering?
  • How to Setup Clustering
  • Quorum Settings
  • Active and Passive Nodes
  • Heart beat in Clusters
  • Failover in clustering
  • What is replication?
  • Different types of Replication
  • Configure Replication
  • Trouble Shoot Replication
Other SQL Services
  • Overview of SQL Server Integration Services
  • Overview of SQL Server Reporting Services
  • Overview on Basic Power shell related to Database Administration
  • Tsql Queries , DMVs used in DBA day to day Operations

Next Course(MySQL Server)


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