Part 1
  • Introduction to HTML and HTML5
  • HTML Editors
  • Formatting and Fonts
  • Commenting Code
  • Anchors
  • Backgrounds
  • Hyperlinks
  • Blocks
  • Lists
  • Tables
  • Frames
  • HTML Forms
  • Layout Elements
  • Responsive
Part 2
  • Cascading Style Sheets
  • The need for CSS, Introduction to CSS
  • Basic syntax and structure
  • Inline Styles
  • Embedding Style Sheets
  • Linking External Style Sheets
  • Backgrounds
  • Manipulating text, Fonts, icons, links
  • Margins and Padding
  • Positioning using CSS
  • Menu Creation, Gradients, Pagination, Border Box and Animation
  • Media Query and Responsive Design
  • Template Customization
Part 3
  • Introduction to Javascript
  • Introduction
  • Core features
  • Data types and Variables
  • Operators, Expressions, and Statements
  • Functions
  • Objects – Array, Date and Math related Objects
  • Number and methods
  • Events
  • Document Object Model
  • Event Handling
  • Controlling Windows & Frames and Documents
  • Form handling and validations
  • Debugging
Part 4
  • PHP
  • Introduction
  • How web works
  • Setting up the environment (LAMP server)
  • Programming basics
  • Print/echo
  • Data types
  • Variables and constants
  • Strings and Arrays
  • Constant
  • Operators, Control structures and looping structures
  • Functions
  • Reading Data in Web Pages
  • Establishing connectivity with MySQL database
Part 5
  • Advanced PHP Concepts
  • Session
  • Cookies
  • Filter
  • Date and Time
  • File Create, Write
  • File uploads
  • Error Handling concepts
Part 6
  • MYSQL Database
  • Creation of base tables
  • Data Definition Language (Create, Alter, Drop, Rename)
  • Data Manipulation Language(Insert, Update, Delete, Select)
Part 7
  • Project
  • Model Project
  • Diagrams
  • Design, Coding
  • Implementation
  • Web hosting and Maintenance

Next Course


Example of Embedding YouTube Video inside Bootstrap Modal

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